bah humbug no more! new rochelle bike share, westchester county’s first, not leaving after all!

UPDATE (04.02.2022): Removed dead links and made minor edits.

After arriving with much fanfare, I received a shocking update on New Rochelle Bike Share via email yesterday. The update? An press release whose title explains it all – Bike Share to Leave New Rochelle. (Unfortunately, the link to the press release is dead and no record exists on the Wayback Machine.)

Since there’s literally nothing about this on the media or Google, I gotta ask – what the hell happened?!

[let’s find out]

what can a complete concourse look like?

Over the years, I’ve given much though to what The Bronx’s historic Grand Concourse would look like after getting the Complete Streets treatment. As NYC DOT’s plans (PDF) don’t go nearly far enough, I decided to flesh out some ideas using Streetmix!

[check ’em out!]